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Hello friend,

I’d ask you to excuse my language, but I think the coarseness is needed. We are all tired of the bullshit. The system is not working for us, the people. The two political parties have become yet another giant corporatocracy that is funded by special interests and by unimaginably wealthy people. The Rs and the Ds aren’t getting much done except for: one, creating new problems for the rest of us, and two, enriching themselves. It’s for these and plenty of other good reasons that we don’t trust most politicians any longer.

The solution is what it always is in our history: to break free and embrace independence. And that’s what I am: a true, unaffiliated independent running for Congress. I’m here for you—my fellow every day citizens—not for some ideology or for a bunch of wealthy donors.

My goals? First: I aim to earn your trust. We are all Americans, which means for certain we’re not going to agree on everything. But I’m going to show up everywhere you are and listen. Second: Congress must cede power back to the people, through term limits, through radical financial transparency, and an unrestrained battle against corruption. Third: to actually engage in the vigorous purpose of the Republic through the hard do work of dialogue and negotiation and compromise on the issues of the day.

Yes: this is a vertical climb to an enormous summit. Yes: this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done and it hasn’t really been done in recent memory. But despite everything, I remain optimistic. Because I believe together, we can do this.

See you on the trail.



Why I’m Running

We need new, independent thinkers who aren’t under the thumb of big money or extremist groups.

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What Republicans & Democrats Agree On

The media constantly portrays both political parties as “polar opposites”, but the truth is that they are much more alike than you’ve probably heard

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The Impact of Voting Independent

The next time you’re at the polls, remember: voting independent is not only a valid choice, but a powerful one!

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Watch the 5th District Candidate Forum to See How Robby Stacks Up Against Competing Candidates

This forum was hosted by the League of Women Voters at Anderson High School. The following four candidates participated in the forum:

U.S. Rep. Victoria Spartz, R-Ind., the Republican candidate and incumbent

Deborah Pickett, a Democrat

Robby Slaughter, an Independent

Lauri Shillings, a Libertarian

A Different Spin on What Everyone Hates

Five months ago I wrote a post on LinkedIn, along with this image: With respect to my fellow candidates and friends referenced above—many of whom got past their primary and are on the ballot with me this November—these signs stink. They clutter up the landscape. They give no information...
Five months ago I wrote a post on LinkedIn, along with this image: With respect to my fellow...
Night in the city

I’m Fine. The System is Not.

How was your weekend? Here was the notable event from mine: I was visiting a friend down in the city. I was heading out around 11PM and I drove through a flashing yellow light, proceeding with caution. Another driver blew through a flashing red and clipped me, disabling my car. I stepped out to...
How was your weekend? Here was the notable event from mine: I was visiting a friend down in the...