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Pregnancy and Adoption

(Topics: Children | Back to Home)

Kids are a good thing. Children born into a loving, stable home where there is opportunity for growth and development—this is an essential ingredient to a successful society.

But it gets complicated from there. What does a loving, stable home look like? What does it mean to grow and develop? And when people do become pregnant how does society and government respond?

I think the answer to that is to we should value both the person who becomes pregnant. and the person who arises from the pregnancy. First mother, and then child.

That means if we're going to make sure for any healthcare is available to everyone, there has to be an emphasis on maternal and pre-natal health, on pregnancy and sex education. We have to value the health of the people at these key points in our biological lifecycle: Conception, natal development, birth, childhood, adolescence, and then adult sexual development which again, leads to conception.

So I support expanded government resources for lifecycle healthcare, especially during and following pregnancy. That includes:

pregnancy_and_adoption.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/15 20:24 by rslaughter